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Senior Capstone Project

Problem: Wanunu Lab at Northeastern University utilizes the nanopore zero-mode waveguide (ZMW) technology to sequence strands of DNA. The process used to capture, record, and analyze the DNA replication was completely manual and inefficient. In order to fully make use of the DNA sequencing technology, this process needed to be automated. This capstone project was defined in three categories: fluid dispensing, fluid delivery, and analysis software. 

Objective: Create a fully automated syringe pump system that can deliver eight necessary fluids to a microscope plate containing a ZMW cell with four separate quadrants. Redesign the microscope plate to accommodate all of the syringe pump tubing and prevent fluid from leaking to any of the other quadrants not currently being recorded. Create a software tool that can interpret a recorded video of DNA replication and output the correct DNA base pair sequence.

Design Solutions: The syringe pump system was made using a modified version of the open-source Poseidon system. In order to fit this system to our project's specifications, we conducted an engineering analysis on the lead screw and stepper motor necessary to dispense the fluids within the required accuracy speed. 

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The design used to deliver fluids to the cell containing the ZMWs involved four separate channels containing angled hose barbs that could effectively deliver the necessary fluids to the four quadrants of the cell. ANSYS fluid analysis software was used to help verify the design decisions.

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